The Value of Tuition Assistance
The sheer pace of technological change means that today's worker needs to be constantly learning to stay relevant. This is especially important for active military members who will need to transition to civilian life in the future.
Thankfully, the U.S. government has several tuition assistance (TA) programs for our military members, including ArmyIgnitED, Army COOL, and Air Force COOL. Each of these programs gives military members access to a certain amount of money for certification courses a year, with the amount depending on the program. Plus, you can use military TA in addition to federal financial aid, enabling you to take even more classes per year.
When you add in the increased number of courses available online, service members are able to further their education, future-proofing themselves, no matter where they're currently located in the world.
Transitioning out of the military has the potential to be a stressful time in an active military person's life. However, if you've prepared years in advance by using the max amount of TA money to continue your education, you can cut that stress in half. You'll already know what career path you want to transition into, and you'll have the certification(s) to let you start farther down that path.
Continuous learning is essential to a successful career. And continuing to learn is made easy when you utilize every tool at your disposal, including tuition assistance.
AristaLearn offers courses through all three main military TA programs. Don't wait. Get started on your next certification today.
Click here to learn more about ArmyIgnitED.